
How cool is that!?

Today is my day off. woohoo!!

I went to surfin this morning, it was a bit small but that means perfect to me. Then, i could catch the waves but i couldn't stand up! just cos i forgot to put wax on, soooo slippy... Dammit!!

So, when I came home, I put wax on, then, hmmm i might do stecker on! so i put SK8RIDER's (sorry i can't explain about this, just we make fun snowboarding team long time ago, this is that name) steckers, 3 of them! I like it and I like this team, I haven't seen them in ages but I'm pretty sure those guys are doing awesome stuff all the time.

when I was surfin, I saw a boy or girl?? has a silver colour hair, sitting on the long board and waiting for the waves. I thought a freaky emo boy, haha. but actually she (it's a woman!) is a grandma!! Also near her, another man who wearing a hat, has white face (too much sun screan!) so you guess what? Her husband!! Oh my god, grannys are surfing! These guys are really good as well! I know some old man surf forever, but I had never seen grandma and grandpa surfin together, that was f*ckin awwwwesome!!

How cool is that!?

2 件のコメント:

  1. Awsome!! didn't know you've started blogging!
    I become your follower!!!

  2. hey sachi! long time no see aye? yep yep, i just started yesterday, cos mixi is sometimes(most of the time??) sucks. i wanted to write more things what i did for my future. will be good fun when i get old. oh yes I'm following you!! xx
